Church History

Who We Are

The FRCM Aladura is an African Instituted Church founded by …….. on ……. in Lagos, Nigeria through a divine order. The Church is well known with two branches with its Headquarters in Somolu, Lagos, Nigeria.
The name of the Church, ‘Faith Revivalists Christian Mission (Aladura) in English and ‘Ijo Onisoji Igbagbo’ in Yoruba was revealed by the Holy Spirit. The acronym of the church is ‘FRCMAladura’.

Our Faith

I believe in God, the Father Almighty The Maker of heaven and earth And in Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost Born of the virgin Mary Suffered Under Pontius Pilate Was crucified, dead and buried He descended into hell Third day, he rose again from the dead He ascended into heaven And siteth on the right hand side of God, the Father Almighty From thence, He shall come to judge the living and the dead I believe in the Holy Ghost, the FRCM Aladura, The communion of saints, forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body And life everlasting (Amen).

Mission & Vision

  • A strong focus on the expansion of the kingdom of God, the growth of the Church and the spiritual and moral development of members.
  • To transform and develop a Church with the Bible as the standard, evangelism as the ministry, the pursuit of the well being of members and salvation of souls for the attainment of the kingdom of God.
  • To evangelize and win souls for the Lord Jesus Christ, and prepare mankind for His second coming.
  • To make heaven.
  • To take as many people with us.
  • To have a member of FRCM Aladura in every family of all nations.
  • Holiness will be our lifestyle.
  • To propagate the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ all over the world
  • To promote the revival of Apostolic signs, wonders and miracles.
  • To bring together children of God who are lost in dead churches.
  • To train believers in the art and science of spiritual warfare; thus making them an aggressive and victorious army for the Lord.
  • To train believers to receive Holy Ghost baptism and fire as well as a daily walk and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  • To turn the joy of our enemies to sorrow. That is why we would always have a Deliverance ministry wherever we are. If you do not believe in deliverance, you are not supposed to be in FRCM Aladura.
  • To build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord.
  • FRCM Aladura is an end-time church where we build an aggressive end-time army for the Lord. An end-time church is a church where a sinner enters with two options: he either repents or does not come back, contrary to the present day church where sinners are comfortable and find things so easy and convenient.
  • To deliver those who have become slaves to pastors, prophets and apostles.
  • To build up heavenly-bound and aggressive Christians. The priority in FRCM Aladura is for people to make heaven. It is not a worldly Church.
  • To build up prayer eagles.
  • To purify the Pentecostal dirtiness of this age.