Our Doctrines

Members of FRCM Aladura are forbidden to engage or participate in:

  • Any form of idolatry, fetish ceremony or cults, black magic and charms.
  • Cigarette or tobacco smoking or snuffing or any type of weed smoking or snuffing is forbidden to members of the FRCM Aladura.
  • Consumption of any form of alcohol, wine or any strong drink that can intoxicate is forbidden to members of FRCM Aladura as the odour of all these – cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, etc. – are repugnant to the presence of the Holy Spirit.
  • Consumption of pork or any food offered as sacrifice to idols or other powers of darkness is forbidden to members of FRCM Aladura.
  • Members are forbidden to wear apparels made of black or red materials except for professional reasons.
  • Male and female members are forbidden to sit together side by side within the Church and its premises.
  • Female members cannot enter the Sanctuary without appropriately covering their heads.
  • Female members during menstruation are not allowed to come within the precincts of the Church until after their sanctification after seven clear days; and where the menstruation extends beyond seven days, two clear days should be allowed for after stoppage before sanctification.
  • Female members are forbidden from entering the altar area or leading the congregation in worship.
  • In FRCM Aladura, only white candles are to be used. Coloured candles are strictly forbidden.
  • Fornication and adultery are forbidden in the FRCM Aladura.
  • Holy is the LORD and all who worship the Lord should endeavour to be clean in body and in soul.
  • Clapping of Hands and Dancing in the Prayer House. Psalms 47:1- 2; 98:8-9
  • Drumming and Dancing in the Prayer House. 2 Kings 11:12-13, Isaiah 55:12, Ezekiel 6:11, Exodus 15:20, Psalms 149:2-4; 150:1-6
  • Shouting of Halleluyah. Revelation 19:1,4,6; 14:7-15
  • The use of Holy Water. Isaiah 12:3-4, Ezekiel 36:25, John 5: 2-9
  • The use of Candles. Revelation 1:12,20, Exodus 25:31
  • The use of Incense. Luke 1:9-10. Revelation 8:3-5; 5: 8-9, Hebrews 9:3-4
  • The use of a girdle. Matthew 3:4, Revelation 1:13, 15:6, Isaiah 5:27, Ephesians 6:13-14, John 13:4, 1 Kings 18:46.
  • Having an Altar in the Prayer House. Revelation 8:3-5, 11:1, 16:7, Genesis 8:20, Leviticus 6:9-12, Exodus 30:1
  • Women are not to be inside Chancel. 1 Timothy 2:11-14
  • Non-wearing of Shoes in the Prayer House. Exodus 3:5-6, Joshua 5:13-15. Members can use footwear while in their white garments except inside the prayer house (church auditorium)
  • Covering of the Head by Female. 1 Corinthians 1:5-6
  • Non-Covering of the Head by Males (in the church). 1 Corinthians 11:4-9
  • The use of palm leaves. John 12:13, Revelation 7:9-10, Leviticus 23:40
  • The Use of Olive Oil in the Church for Healing and Anointing. James 5:14-15, Mark 6:12-18, Psalms 23:5, Leviticus 24:1-4, Isaiah 61:1
  • Cross bearing – meaning Torture symbol of Christ. Matthew 16:24
  • Death & His Resurrection to Glory and Victor. Colossians 1:20, 1 Peter 2:21- 24, Luke 9:23
  • Wearing of white Prayer Gown. Revelation 3:4-7, 4:4, Leviticus16:4 Revelation  7:9-15. The FRCM Aladura member is easily identified in a white long garment with a girdle (white, purple, and yellow- depending on the service arm in the church) and cap (for women).
  • Prayer and fasting; Jonah 3:6-10, Isaiah 58:1-end, Esther 4, Matthew 4:1-2; 17:21, Mark 9:29.
  • Alms giving, Collection of Money in the Church. Proverbs 28:27, Acts 20:35, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Luke 6:38, Romans 15:25-26
  • Speaking in tongues. 1 Corinthians 14:1-25
  • The use of staff. Exodus 4:17; 8:5, Mark 6:8
  • Being in trance during worship service. Mark 9:1-10, Matthew 17
  • Ringing of Bell. Exodus 19:19, Psalms 81:3, Isaiah 27:13
  • The dead are not to be carried into the church. Jeremiah 16:18, Matthew 22:32.
  • Births: Female baby – Mother stays at home for 7 days before naming. A total of 90 days before appearing in the presence of God to give thanks. Male baby – Mother stays at home for 7 days before naming. A total of 41 days before appearing in the presence of God to give thanks.